Pattachitra Painting

One of the oldest art forms found in Orissa is the Patachitra art (also spelled Pattachitra), which is fascinating and depicts Hindu mythological wonder stories. Based on these stories, the art is vibrant, unique and a fine display of skillful Indian craftsmanship at its finest. Interior artworks include paintings of bookmarks, walls, doors, hangings, bags, ornate earrings and umbrellas.

What began as another form of painting has evolved into an immense facet of Indian accessories and other forms of traditional fashion. This type of art has a traditional appeal due to the inherent Indian values, customs and rituals of Hindu faith and religion.

Pattachitra Painting is closely associated with the cult of Shri Jagannath Temple in Puri. On the days when the temple doors are closed for the ritual bath of the deity, paintings are replaced by worship. The ornate borders and flowers carved into the columns imitate the motifs of the temple sculpture of Odisha. The most elaborate frame is the flower-carved column, which emulates temple sculptures and motifs from Odisha and elsewhere.

The leaves of the hyacinth bean plant are processed into green hinge rock, which gives red colour to patachitra pictures. Hingula mineral color is also used for red Haritala (royal stone) ingredients and yellow Ramaja (a kind of indigo blue). Hard stone is used for making yellow color in Pattachitra paintings and Gerua stone produces orange color.